It is a sad fact, but, with the weakness of many NHS mental health services, help for the most vulnerable in our society often has to be managed by charities who feel that they have far too little expertise and certainly not enough funding to do everything that they would want to be able to do for those with mental health issues.
Though we cannot give our services for free – as we have costs – we will consider all applications for help and we do offer some pro-bono work. We are particularly interested in work into prisons or detention facilities as that is an area that we consider the benefits of our model best displayed.
We will always provide access to our email advice and risk management service at cost to suitable organisations. We can also supply a very economic mental health advocacy package. Letters from a consultant psychiatrists can open doors to local medical facilities and a knowledge of NHS service models can be as important as a medical opinion.
Many charities are also involved in education around mental health and mental health issues. You may be interested in looking at our educational webinar service.
If you would like to talk to us, do please get in touch.